Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Activity Intended for Enhancing a Skill Essay

This paper examines the effectiveness of the activity that is carried out in order to enhance a particular skill. The activity of turning letters into words is selected and carried out as a game between the members of an identified group with the main objective being attainment of improved group performance and development. The paper examines the degree of response achieved in the skill with the help of the intended activity. The game of Turning Letters into Words is an activity that is chosen to improve the development and performance of a group and is a great tool to develop knowledge abilities and skills through participation. Dividing the whole group into smaller teams helps in building a structured approach towards shared group objective. This activity creates a stimulating learning environment for each member and hones their behavioral skills to maximize the team’s performance and development. All the members participate fully in terms giving individual contribution as well as working together with others. Being an integral part of the team and having the responsibility of making the maximum words possible with the provided letters, gives a boost to the team spirit. Each member is then supposed to question oneself about whether the letters contributed by him/her helped or restricted the team members in making the most of the needed long words. This brings out the feeling of cohesiveness and suppresses the individualistic approach, which helps in rapid increase in performance levels. The collective act of choosing the letters and making maximum words not just brings the members together, but also promotes the feeling of trust, cooperation and the winning streak. The feeling of competing at the group level helps he members to cope with the distinct behaviors and perspectives, without getting into the blame game. Each member strives to achieve the maximum number of words by unknowingly working towards the strengths and weaknesses of their own teams and articulating the team’s vision. The activity of forming words as a team helps in establishing clear team guidelines, objectives and a well thought out team orientation process. The process of mapping the individual performance with the team’s overall performance while working at a high capacity in the present role augments the group development to accomplish the maximum performance. However, a close scrutiny of the team members’ reaction reveals that the age group is a significant factor in defining the individual’s response to such skill enhancing activities. The different set of values and attitude characterize the way the older generation is not so rapid with coming up with new words. The newer generation however responds more quickly to such skill grinding activities. Therefore, it can be concluded that strategically designed activities can surely be used to facilitate requisite skills such as yielding performance metrics, provided the management is well knowledgeable about the degree of responsiveness. References http://www. teambuildingportal. com/games/turning-letters-words. php

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Role of Modern Industrial Manager

MNGT352 Advanced Modern Management The role of a modern industrial manager Prashanth Balacumaresan (200679951) Word Count: 1965 A manager is someone in charge of an organisation or subunit. Many would fit the bill of a manager besides a chief executive, including coaches, bishops, foremen even presidents and prime ministers. What is the role of a manager? If you did ask someone in a managerial position what they did they would probably tell you that they plan, organize, coordinate and control. Mangers are persistent individuals and they perform their activities in concise, diverse manners.Study shows that most activities performed by chief executives last less than 9 minutes and only a small fraction of the time do activities last an hour long. The work pace for most chief executives and foremen are relentless, spending their whole day receiving calls and mail with every break interrupted by a subordinate looking for some sort of guidance (Mintzberg 1990). The role of an ideal manage r should be a balance between the roles Mintzberg has described. This is because a manger is the commander in chief of an organisation and through this role he has contact to various interpersonal relationships.This gives his the opportunity to gain access to various sorts of information which would then enable him to put to good use by planning effective strategies, making decisions or implement in action (Waldron. M. W, Vasanthakumar. J & Arulraj. S 1997). Managerial roles accentuates reasoning and control, and it does not matter whichever direction the focus is on, the manager should always look at ways to achieve results that would make positive impact and make people continue contributing to his or her organisation.In 1981 Arnaldo conducted a survey of hotel general managers by adapting Mintzberg approach to managerial behaviour. What he found out from this research was that a large majority of mangers viewed leadership as the most important role among the ten roles as proposed by Mintzberg. From this view leadership is an essential quality required for one who is a manager. (Zaleznik. A, 1978). The trait theory perspective suggests that certain individuals possess the qualities and characteristics that highlight them as natural born leaders and this is what will differentiate them from their subordinates. Northouse, P2010). Although this suggests that leadership is a quality that cannot be learnt but one that is acquired , (Worsfold,1989)it would give a person who is likely to take up a role as a manager an insight of the characteristics and qualities that are essential for a leader. Furthermore one need not necessarily stick to its outline as leadership is a role that allows an individual to show his or her unique abilities to command and influence others. (Hollander,1978).Project leadership is essentially defined as a process that fits into a managerial job that would take into consideration the requirement and perquisite of those people who decide to stand besides you to see the completion of a particular task. (Cleland,1995). Project leaders should not be too rigid and exercise authority over the situation within leadership criteria (Cleland and Ireland, 2007) but rather as Goetsch and Davies(2006, 254-255) say inspire individuals in making entire enthusiastic along with intentional dedication towards achieving company aims.Thus one does not need to be intellectually superior to be a manager but rather one need to be determinant, strong willed, analytical, intelligent and most importantly be tolerant. (Zaleznik. A ,1978). Kanji (2008) states leadership is defined as the conduct related by activities in taking charge signifying the immense difficulties faced by managers and professors. Therefore leadership is a variation of characteristics, principles, behaviour and attitude that acts as the key to long term performance of established organisations. (Lakshman, 2006).Having an action mindset about the work environment is another trait required by a manager. A popular visual metaphor indicates that an organisation is a chariot pulled by wild horses which represent the emotions, anticipation and ambitions and needs of people in the organisation. Keeping onto to the same track requires just as the same skill that is required to set off in an entirely new direction. Having an action mindset in this context would be to understand the nature of the situation and utilising the capabilities of the team helping to stay on and maintain direction. Gosling Mintzberg, 2003) Nearly all managerial decisions and actions are influenced by the assumptions made based on observation about human behaviour. Douglas McGregor published in his book The Human Side of Enterprise, two very unique ways of looking at human nature namely Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor also assumed that a typical manger should operate on the context that his employees are either Theory X or Theory Y. Assumptions uch as these mould the manager’s pe rspective on his employees resulting in either a Theory X manager, who would assume a direct and harsh approach denying employees control over their work ,using an incentive based reward system to monitor performance and constantly supervise his employees or rather a Theory Y manager who would be more lenient towards his employees granting them positions of responsibility and structuring the work environment in a manner which would result in efficient methods to solve problems and increase productivity. McGregor ,1960) The Hawthorne experiments conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1934 prove this point by clearly illustrating that even when the working conditions were varied the team dynamics of the team remained the same. The women who participated in the experiment formed a cooperative relationship and responded spontaneously to this experiment. As they were not pushed or forced to do work, and every decision they made would influence their work they formed a sense of responsibili ty and worked spontaneously. The productivity increased and the workers remained happy.According to McGregor a manager’s perspective on their employees which could be either Theory X or Theory Y can influence their decisions. What managers need is their employees to perform well and given the right incentive and environment you could achieve excellent results. The ideal Theory Y manager would instead of a directive management approach rather choose an approach which would actually involve giving employees positions of responsibility and forming mutually beneficial relationships. This is what was clearly emphasized by Mc Gregor as a core component of Management.What is lacking is most managers fail to understand this fact (Bobic. M. P & Davis E. W). Human motivation in the workplace cannot be defined of falling into the category of either Theory X or Theory Y. It should be rather viewed as something more complicated which is rather a concoction of the two (Miner, 1980; Schein 1970). It has been observed by many through social interactions with managers over several years that most managers use a blend of theories X, Y and Z rather than sticking to the framework of one particular on (Sharma.S 1998). Self regulation is the process of mastering ones emotions. A person who has mastered their emotions would be adaptable to change and would not panic in a circumstance where change would influence his workplace. Self regulation is a key factor that would be influential in the workplace as due to the modern technological trend and competitiveness businesses and companies exist with a great of ambiguity and uncertainness. Companies merge and break at rapid paces and technology is not constant and it will change. Goleman,1998) currently most companies are adapting to advanced manufacturing technologies that are intended to optimize and improve performance in various aspects of the workplace. These are opportunity to revolutionize the way production processes. Larg e companies are already making the switch towards these innovations in order to enhance the performance and increase the positions in the global markets. (Tidd, 1991) Industries are constantly undergoing revolutionary technological change to transform them abound. Examples include switching from metal engine parts to ceramic and switching from lead acid to lithium ion in batteries.When these situations arise a self regulatory person would possess the dexterity to hold his judgement, seek information and adapt to the changes. Effective team working skills are one that is required of a manager. The ability to coordinate individual actions (Zaccaro, Rittman, and Marks 2001) and having a better communication structure among team members can greatly influence the performance of the effectiveness of the team. Team leaders who are encouraging and involve all members in team problem solving enable collective information processing that maximises the teams effectiveness. Zaccaro et al. ) Goo d managers enable their teams to remain goal oriented, ensure a collaborative setting for the team members, build confidence, demonstrate technical skills, set their priorities, manage performance expectations and bring back excellent results. (LaFasto, Larson 2001). Essentially team leaders, who set high performance goals, demonstrate a clear set of strategies and push their team members to their full potentials will display higher team efficiency and cohesion rather than team leaders who do not involve themselves in such tasks. Zaccaro et al. ) Motivation is also a key role for the manager. He or she must be themselves be motivated to perform the task at hand and meanwhile they should be able to motivate the team by keeping the team morale upHow a manager motivates his employees could be varied according to the approach he or she takes. Firstly there is the KITA approach which literally translates as kick in the pants which can either be a negative or a positive approach depending on the manager.Negative KITA is a direct action approach, and it has its drawbacks of being physically confronting which can build up negativity among the employees and the manager. There is also the softer positive approach which is considered as a seduction technique which is the promise of incentive to the employee which can get them to produce good work. (Hertzberg, 1968) This is supported by the expectancy theory that proposes the idea that people work harder depending on the size of the reward. (Mullins, 2007).According to Fredrick Hertzberg motivation relies on two factors firstly the hygiene factors that deal with factors such as working conditions, job security etc and the motivator factors. An employee would usually expect the hygiene factors to be implemented in the workplace as these are factors that help an individual to settle down in an environment. Taking these away from an employee would automatically make him or her dissatisfied and hence de-motivated to work. The other motivator factors are based on an individual’s desire to be better and rise above others.These include status, recognition and sense of achievement. Let us take the company Innocent Drinks for example. They motivate their staff by providing a working environment which is pleasant i. e. the inclusion of trees inside the offices and having Astroturf floors. They also provide free breakfast, a team weekend every year and also scholarships of ? 1000 to employees to fund personal projects such as taking a course etc. Even in their weekly meetings they make their staff feel valuable and this way Innocent helps to keep its staff happy.This is a good model of How Hertzberg’s hygiene and motivational factors have been taken into account and keep employees motivated. (Caterer research how to motivate staff 2011) Mc Clelland’s achievement motivation theory categorizes the people who want to achieve. These people were motivated by intrinsic factors such as goals and aspirations of the individual rather than extrinsic factors such as salary etc. These sorts of people were identified by their affinity to perform difficult put potentially achievable goals, and their like to take risks.These are the sorts of characteristics expected in a manager. In conclusion what should be stated is that all these qualities may not be present in a manager but in general a good manager would be an ideal blend of some of these characteristics. These would not necessarily be outwardly showed but when the situation arises if one could perform that is what is essential. This is the internal meaning of the quote â€Å"Cometh the hour, cometh the man†. Bibliography Arnaldo, M (1981) ‘Hotel general managers: a profile’, The Cornell H. R. A. Quarterly November, 53-56. Bobic M.P and Davis E. W A Kind Word for Theory X: Or Why many New Fangled Management Techniques quickly fail. Cleland, D. I. (1995). Leadership and the project management body of knowled ge. International Journal of Project Management, 13(2): 83-88. Cleland, D. I. and Ireland, L. R. (2007). Project Management: Strategie Design and Implementation (5th), Boston: McGraw-Hill. Goleman. D (1998) What Makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review pp. 92-102 Gosling J & Mintzberg H(2003) The Five Minds of a Manager (Cover Story) Harvard Business Review 81(11) ,54-63 Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S. B. (2006). Quality Management: Introduction to Total Quality Management for Production, Processing, and Services (5), New Jersey: Pearson Education International. Hertzberg F. (1987) One More Time: How do you Motivate Employees Harvard Business vol 46 issue 1 Review pp. 53-62 Hollander, E (1978) ‘Leadership Dynamics: A Practical Guide to Effective Relationships’, Free Press: New York. Kanji, GK. (2008). Leadership is prime: How do you measure Leadership Excellence? Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 19(4): 417-427.LaFasto F & Larson C (2001) When Teams Work Best T housand Oaks CA:SAGE Lakshman, C. (2006). A Theory of Leadership for Quality: Lessons from TQM for Leadership Theory. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 17(1): 41-60. Mayo, E. (1933) The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization, Macmillan. Mc Gregor. D (1960) The Human Side of Enterprise New York Mc-Graw Hill McClelland, D. (1967) The Achieving Society, The Free Press, Miner J. B (1980). Theory of organisational behaviour.Hinsdale, IL; Dryden Press Mullins J (2007) Management and Organisational Behaviour 8th Edition Northouse, P (2010) ‘Leadership: Theory and Practice 5th Edition’, Sage Publications: London. Schien E (1970) Organisational Psychology (2nd ed. ) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Sharma. S (1998) Enlightened Leadership in Indian Ethos: The way of Theory K. Management& Change Vol 2 No 1 ,January- June 1998, pp. 93-104. Tidd. J (1991) Flexible Manufacturing Technologies and International Competitiveness, London: Pinter Waldron M. W, Vasant hakumar J and Arulraj. S. 1997) Improving the organization and management of extension. In Swanson. B. E Improving Agricultural Extension: A reference manual Worsfold, P (1989) ‘Leadership and managerial effectiveness in the hospitality industry’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 8(2), 145-155. Zaccaro. S J, Rittman A. L & Marks M. A (2001) Team Leadership. Leadership Quarterly 12 451-483 Zalenik,A (1978) Managers and leaders:are they different? Mckinsey Quarterly,(1), p 2-22 http. //www. catererresearch. com/Articles/2006/06/15/307200/how-to-motivate staff. html [Accessed 21/11/11]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Nursing - Essay Example In the medical professional, abortion is a safe practice when conducted under the right procedure and within the legal provision (Duda,  2012). However, the morality of the human community influences medical decisions. Consequently, medical practitioners debate whether the practice is moral or unethical. The public and medical opinions about doctor-assisted suicide has a close contention with 47% of the Us adults approving the practice while 49 percent disapprove the same or laws enacted to promote it (Pew Research Center., 2015). Specifically, morality is a critical issue that influences these decisions and perceptions. Fundamentally, cultural practices and the UN Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 as well as the US Constitution promote Human life by providing the right to life (Institute of Medicine, 2015). The morality of using restraining devices on stubborn patients, the elderly and those with a mental disability continues to cause concern for medical practitioners, as well as friends and relatives of the patients (Lai,  2007). Principally, the medical importance of the practice is to ensure the safety of the patient, the nurse, and any other stakeholder in this context. However, the antagonists argue that restraining denies the patient their fundamental rights of freedom and liberty as well as non-discriminatory care. Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Approaching Death: Addressing Key End-of-Life Issues, author. (2015). dying in America: Improving quality and honoring individual preferences near the end of life. Pew Research Center. (2015). Chapter 1: Opinion about Laws on Doctor-Assisted Suicide | Pew Research Centers Religion & Public Life Project. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Management Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management Project - Essay Example The paper includes an in-dept analysis of the four important aspects of management (planning, organizing controlling and leading) in the context of PNR. It also provides a brief description regarding the products and operations of the company. The company overview PNR Private Ltd has been involved in the business of tyres that are mainly used in two wheelers. It produces tyres for two wheelers especially for the motor cycles. It is been almost seven years that the company is manufacturing and selling tyres. Its main customers include some of the local as well as global two wheeler manufacturers. Furthermore, there is a strong network of dealers that sell the products to the individual customers. In the last year PNR’s annual revenue reached almost $100M. However the company’s performance was badly hit by the recent global financial crisis that rocked most of the developed economies in the world especially the US and UK economy. As the demand of cars and bikes was signif icantly lowered due to this global crisis, tyre industry was also remarkably affected. Being a part of this industry PNR also experienced a tough time when its annual revenue was gone down by almost 10% in the year 2008-2009. However, with recovery of global economy PNR has also improved its performance. At present the company employs almost 100 individuals. The management of PNR gives significant importance on the quality and innovation of the product. The company’s main objective is to take the customer satisfaction level to a new high that will help the company to meet its annual target of revenue easily on a regular basis. Over the years ‘Innovation’ has been the key to PNR’s success. The company has plans to invest significant amount of resources in the research and development section. A new production plant with state-of-the art technology and advanced research and development facilities is likely to come up in near future. The company’s visi on is to become the market leader in two wheeler tyre industry by means of high degree of innovation and customer satisfaction. In PNR it is believed that management is a concept that is neither solely science nor solely arts, but it is a blend of both. In the present business world which is intensely competitive, organizations fail to succeed if they do not focus on innovation, research and development. Today, most of the managerial decisions are taken after conducting extensive marketing as well as financial research. If management is looked at from this perspective then it can be considered as more of science rather than arts. However, on the other hand management is also about art of convincing and communicating with the staffs. According to Basu, â€Å"management is getting things done through and with others† (Basu, Business Organisation And Management). This statement reflects that art is an important component of management. The management of PNR admits these facts an d believes that management is the combination of both science and art. The next section provides a clear picture of the four important aspects of management i.e. planning, leading, organizing and controlling in the context of PNR. Planning SWOT Analysis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities) Analysis is a strategic tool that is widely used across all the industry. PNR’s main strength is its strong customer base. Despite

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Safety in industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Safety in industries - Essay Example When we look at the statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, it can be observed that in 2011, almost 540 fatal injuries at workplace were just due to fall in industries. In those scenarios where the height of the fall was known, almost 57 percent workers fall from a height of 20 feet or bit less than that. Out of these one in every four falls was from a height of about 10 feet or lesser than that. The industry deals with safety risks from activities such as roofing whereby workers are expected to take precautions for their own safety since not much can be done to maintain 100% safety. Enhancements to work at high heights such as scaffolds and ladders are also part of the risk since workers also slip and fall from them while in some cases the scaffolds and ladders fall causing deadly injuries to the workers using them. It is usually supposed that deadly falls are those where the victim falls from a height higher than three meters while in reality falls below this height can be dead ly especially when the head hits the ground first. According to Feld and Carper (2004), safety belts are regarded as the solution to falls in construction, but they only help to address falls in situations where the worker remains in a stationary position for a considerable period. It is not reasonable to provide a person painting a roof with a safety belt with no specific place to hook it. On the other hand, most construction managers rarely assess the experience of workers with regards to tasks requiring them to work in high heights to avoid paying higher costs. However, even with such evaluations, some workers may provide false information so as not to lose the job. Falls may also be associated with deep trenches on the ground that may be unknown to workers and without visible signs (Cheng, Kelly & Ryan, 2013). Dust is a common health issue in construction since it creates from most of the activities involved such as excavation and loading,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Commerce law in the land of Middle Kingdom Research Paper

Commerce law in the land of Middle Kingdom - Research Paper Example In order to successfully conduct business in China, the IBs must traverse a, at times, thorny path of ethical and social culture challenges. Elements that influence Differences in Social Culture Values, and ethics drive what shape the social culture of given country will be in. Culture is a collection of widely accepted values, ethics, and beliefs held by the group. For example, Chinese culture is very heavily influenced by Confucius beliefs and values of collectivism, group over individualism. Chinese culture takes a very hierarchical structure of social life, cultivation of morality and self-restraint, and the emphasis on hard work and achievement (Fogel, 2010).  With each country, place or group, these elements change which results in a variation or difference in social culture. However as time goes by, whether through external factors or driven by necessities of survival, these values, beliefs and ethics will evolve which will result in a change within the social culture. Busin ess and economic implications of differences in culture and values How business and economics function is different in every place. Differences in culture and values are one of the primary reasons behind this simple fact. What is considered acceptable in one country is not acceptable in another (most stated example, bribes). Economic policies are driven by culture and values while business conduct is governed by cultural norms and common practices found within the group. At times the difference in culture and values can become a barrier to conducting business. International business and trade is similar to dancing a very carefully choreographed dance except that one dance is interpreted different in each country. A failure to adhere to the steps in that dance in a given country could be the difference between a disastrous business venture and a successful entry into an international market. Culture and values drive the principals and influence the manner in which business is conduct ed and economics are established. Social culture’s influence on work place values Social culture will define what is considered acceptable and appropriate at a work place. It will shape the policy at work and define the roll of given individuals and importance of their place amongst the ranks, as well as guidelines for conducting business. Given the hierarchical nature of Chinese culture, the rank of an individual employee plays a very important role within the organization (Fogel, 2010).  Social culture and aspects of social life norms will also influence how business is conducted on the domestic and international stage. The principal of Guanxi – concept of drawing on connections – is an important aspect of Chinese culture. It’s based on the principal of creating a personal network on the basis of favors, associations (belonging to the same trade association or group) and other social connections (same city of origin, close association through years of working together). At times companies have been unable to conduct business with some form of guanxi. Luo (2007, p 7) talks about how cosmetics manufacturer Avon, initially, unable to convince the Chinese government about the viability of its direct marketing method, requested the assistance of Hong Kong’s Bank of East Asia director David Li. Li is known for having a very well known and influential guanxi with ties into the central Chinese government, which he used to assist Avon in establishing a communication link and push through a deal between Avon and

EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EU - Essay Example The flipside of this provision has been its penchant for predisposing member states to the inability to control entry and residence within their territory. Eventually, this has led to the member states’ trying to minimise to stem the burden that unbridled movement of persons place on them. The EU and its member states have attempted to salvage this situation by proposing and ratifying laws such as directives, regulation and articles in law, as shall be seen forthwith. First, it is important to note that even in the face these challenges, EU has never made any dereliction on the right to free movement. Particularly, according to Barnard (2007, 23) and Cholewinski (2005, 252), Article 21 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) continues to make provision for EU citizens to exercise free movement. The same applies to Regulation EEC 1612/68 and Regulation EU No 492/2011. In this light, there are already over 2 million EU citizens who are exercising this right. EU has tried to resolve this problem that tries to harmonise the dynamics of free movement and the burden that accompanies it through the issuance of directives such as the Directive 2004/38/EC. The Directive 2004/38/EC for instance acknowledges the fact that free movement is attributable to citizens of the EU or the EEA and the direct family members of EU citizens. The latter qualification is relevant since it expunges the non-direct family members of EU or EEA from accessing this right. However, Directive 2004/38/EC is categorical that these family members must be direct dependents of the EU citizen. The Directive 2004/38/EC is also important in absolving EU member states from the burden of free movement because it specifies those who are not qualified to enjoy the right to free movement. For instance, the Directive 2004/38/EC rules out those citizens who live in their home EU member states but have not worked in other EU member states. In this respect, all movement by non-EU family mem bers into the home estate is subject to national law. Again, Directive 2004/38/EC also recognises the right of older EU member states to exercise the provisions catered for in the transitional arrangements. The transitional arrangements inhibits EU citizens’ ability to move freely to work, provided that these citizens originate from new EU member states such as Romania and Bulgaria. The inhibition in this case can be protracted up to 7 years. It is important to note that even during this time when there is the imposition of this limit, citizens of the new EU member states are still legible for travel throughout Europe, together with their non-EU family members. The crux of the matter herein is that while free movement is not restricted, the ability to access jobs is. Thus, this is a way by which scarce economic values such as employment are safeguarded against unfair competition and infiltration. Again, it is important to note that the Directive 2004/38/EC also excludes those citizens of non-EEA or non-EU countries who are not accompanied by members of EU/EEA citizens from accessing some of the privileges that are extended to EU citizens. Some of these privileges include free and fast issuance of visas; the right to work and play for up to 90 days prior to the issuance of visas; permanent residence of 5 years; and easy right to stay in the EU country longer, should the EU citizen be working, learning. In this case, during applications, Directive 2004/3

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dress Code in School Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dress Code in School - Research Paper Example in Kraft, 2003). Are you a liberal? Are you a conservative? Whatever be your political leaning, or personal belief, I am sure every one of you will agree with me that school safety is of paramount importance to society. The provision of a safe study environment takes precedence over self-expression. In these days of unequivocal liberalism, when the least hint of curtailment of individual rights is immediately condemned as authoritarianism, I defiantly stand here before you in support of a uniform dress code in schools. I am aware that many of you will equate a uniform dress code with the stifling of creativity and the freedom to self-expression. But this is a very simplistic way of looking at the issue. The school is the primary and most crucial factor in the educational process of an individual. It is here that the moral foundation and intellectual capabilities of the child are built up. Schools must be differentiated from society at large, and special rules applied here. In this co ntext, it is crucial that the school environment is totally focused on learning, and all extraneous factors are eliminated. ... This factor is of great significance in keeping students under secure supervision. Conversely, uniforms make is easy to identify any trespassers on school property. This is a very effective safeguard against the entry of anti-social elements into the school campus and the disruption of discipline. School uniforms eliminate the possibility of ignorant students inadvertently wearing gang colors, or other gang related items of clothing, and being exposed to attacks by opposite gangs as a result of this. The use of gang attire is completely eliminated on campus. The uniform does away with badges of gang identity, such as aggressively painted jackets, bandannas, or chunky jewelry. Expensive and fashionable clothes are often the cause of inciting less privileged children to resort to theft and violence. In the same way, emphasis on fashionable dressing may lead to competition among students and result in violence. School uniforms as unequivocally â€Å"competition reducing† (Kraft, 2003). In some cases, fashion accessories and clothes are used as weapons or as a means to conceal weapons. (Paliokas, n.d.). The use of hooded sweatshirts, as a deliberate way to avoid detection after acts of vandalism in school, is a pointer in this direction. It is clear that school safety justifies the implementation of a uniform dress code. Self-esteem is a major issue for all school-going children. American school reports show that â€Å"students base the worth of peers on the kinds of clothes that are worn but distinctions in worth were not noted when the entire school population was dressed in uniforms† (King, 2002. qtd. in Kraft, 2003). The major link between self-esteem and clothes is the fact that clothes emphatically proclaim income disparities, and become the basis

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women and law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women and law - Essay Example Out of respect and highest regard to the sanctity of life, treatments are sometimes forced on sufferers, who refuse consent to it because they want to cause themselves harm or that their logic is distorted due to the mental problem underlying. That was the case with B. V Croydon who refused to eat when she was prevented from harming herself, and was tube-fed against her will (Cooper, 2005). Feminists say that the illness is a symptom in a society which judges people on the grounds of looks, which emphasises thinness and has unreal requirements and stereotypes regarding peoples appearance. Also, it is much more frequent in girls than in boys, only increasing in greater ages. The law requires a person to sign a consent form to undergo these procedures, and those who choose to do so must be examined by a doctor beforehand in order for an evaluation of the reasons behind wanting to go through the procedure. Feminists say that this is an unnecessary step that shouldnt be taken. They claim that people should be happy and proud of their own body, accept it and love it, instead of trying to change it to fit a certain stereotype or desire of someone else in the society. Also, they say that the purpose of it is mainly to achieve the approval of someone else, rather than of themselves. Posing for a photo shoot like Adele has done is not considered to be illegal as long as the participant is an adult and agrees to it. However, it is obviously immoral and reprehensible, mainly because she was tricked into doing so because she was given a large quantity of alcohol beforehand. The law does not consider being photographed in provocative poses to be illegal, but using animals in this photo shoot causes it to be a "grey zone" since it is possible that sexual interactions between human participants and the animals were initiated, and then it is illegal on accounts of both bestiality and animal abuse. Furthermore,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Prepare for Debate (Marketing Behavior class) Essay

Prepare for Debate (Marketing Behavior class) - Essay Example This information exemplifies that due to the enormity of products offered in the market, through various media which teenagers actually access, their skeptical attitude could potentially ward off advertisers who aggressively market their products and services. Finally, teenagers are the most diverse market segment (Mediamark, 2003, p. 5) and have distinct choices with regard to the products they intend to buy, where to buy them, and what medium they most frequently use to search for products and services. Marketing aggressively means a marketing approach or strategy that is very forceful, energetic and costly. By marketing aggressively, the organization would be spending resources on strategies where teenagers could not even pay attention to. According to Best Knowledge Source (2010), â€Å"teens are the hardest demographic to market to. They are the most challenging and unpredictable group to try and reach. As with any marketing strategy the key is to know who you are trying to sell to and what interests those most. Since most teens are still trying to find themselves and dont always know what they want, its hard for businesses to find out what most matters to them† (par.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Capital punishment and why does the Church (Christianity) oppose it so much Essay Example for Free

Capital punishment and why does the Church (Christianity) oppose it so much Essay Man is a sacred and precious creature created by God.   When God has created the Universe, light, the birds, animals, the trees, water and the earth, he had given a lot of importance to man.   Evidence from the Bible suggests that God had left creating man as his final task, and after he had created man, God was so amazed, satisfied with himself and fulfilled with his own creation, that he decided to rest (on the Seventh day).   Through his creation of man, he had provided a reflection of himself (The Old Testament: Genesis 1).   In deed God has given a lot of importance to man, and no one has the right to take away or destroy the life this very special and beautiful creation of God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Countries throughout the World are beginning to understand the importance of capital punishment and are slowly outlawing such laws.   However, certain developed countries such as the US are still encouraging Capital punishment.   The US had stopped capital punishment for some period of time (from 1972 to 1977).   However, the practice resumed again following Gregg V. Georgia case (Horigan, 2004).   Most of the states in the US permit Capital punishment only in very specific instances.   However, the very existence of such an option in the judiciary system, does suggest the States Support to this inhuman act.   The rate of execution in the US has dropped since the 1930’s, but this has no fully ended. The largest number of executions is performed by the State of Texas, and the highest percentage of the population executed by the State is Virginia (Robinson, 2006).   The response of the US public to capital punishment is somewhat mixed.   However, the reaction of the Canadian people to capital punishment was also similar, but the Country has abolished capital punishment.   Depending on the seriousness of their crime, the crimes are imprisoned even for indefinite periods (Robinson, 2006).   Canada has also shown that imposition of capital punishment does not necessarily result in a drop in the crime rates.   The Japanese on the other which permit capital punishment have a crime rate much below that of the US. Hence, it can be demonstrated that capital punishment may not play an important role in crime (Robinson, 2006).   In the US, many people who have been executed by the law, were found not even to be given a proper lawyer during their trials. Several states in the US that have capital punishment in their legal systems seem to have a higher criminal rate than those which do not have capital punishment (Robinson, 2006).   People may feel that by incorporating capital punishment in their legal systems, the State is cheapening the value of human life.   Hence, the crime rates in such states are on the rise.   Several other factors such as poor socio-economic status, low educational levels, poor living conditions, etc, may be related with an increase in the crime rates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Church has seriously opposed the use of capital punishment in case of serious crime.   Pope John Paul II has opposed the imposition of death penalty by the State (Dulles, 2001).   Christians give a lot of importance to life and have opposed any action that could result in the ‘violation to the right to life’ such as murder, abortion, suicide, euthanasia, etc.   Christians usually feel that as God has controlled life, no one including the Governments and the Courts can take away a human life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Old Testament, death was specifically suggested to those who had sinned or committed offences (such as murder and adultery).   The Sacred Covenant during Noah had mentioned that anyone who offenders and disobeys God be stoned or hanged to death.   Several episodes in the Old Testament such as those of with Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (Numbers 16), have given instances in which capital punishment was performed to penalize sinners.   People who helped to execute the will of God by ending the life of the offenders were considered as Agents of God.   Many Countries of the World still follow the Old Testament of capital punishment in penalizing serious crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, things have changed since the New Testament times.   Although Jesus Christ had not spoken much about the use of capital punishment by the state, indirect instances are present in the New Testament which may suggest that Jesus was against the practice of capital punishment.   One of these instances included the Stoning of a woman who had sinned.   Jesus did not allow his disciples to pronounce curses of destruction of death on people who did not have feelings of love towards others. In John 19:11, Jesus told Pilate that he had the authority to sentence anybody who had sinned against God, and that Pilate had the right to fulfill God’s intentions.   In Matthew 26:52, Jesus told Peter to put back his sword when he was arrested.   Jesus even put back the soldier’s piece of ear, after Peter had cut it with his sword.   In Luke 23: 41, Jesus tells the thief crucified on his side, that they were receiving punishment for the sins that they had committed on earth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Christianity believed in the concept of ‘love thy neighbor as thy self’, and Jesus in his preaching expressed that this feeling should be extended to every aspect of life.   We could potentially extent its application for use to prevent capital punishment.   In the New Testament after Christ, there may be several instances in which capital punishment was encouraged.   However, these instances may not directly support capital punishment.   In Acts 5: 1-11, capital sentences were imposed because they disobeyed Simon Peter.   The Letter to the Hebrews also encouraged the Mosaic Laws on capital punishment. St. Paul told the Romans that death sentence was a mean of expressing God’s intentions against sinners.   However, there have also been instances in the New Testament in which the Church and Christians have opposed death sentence.   During the early Christianity period, the Church did not approve Christians to function as executioners of death sentences (Dulles, 2001).   St. Augustine felt that the Fifth Commandant should be utilized even to prevent execution of death sentences and killing of criminals.   He wrote an entire book about Capital punishment named The City of God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The idea of capital punishment changed a bit during the Middle Age.   Christianity had some influence on the people, and the Courts were told to impose capital punishment only for people who committed serious crime.   This was mainly as a self-defense mechanism to prevent the criminals from committing further crime and to ensure that the society was safe.   Some of the theologists felt that capital punishment was more of a hatred act against the criminal than one to enable him to reform in the future (Dulles, 2001).   Even though the Church opposed death sentence, it constituted a body to pronounce and capital punishment. The Church even conferred the State the power to issue death sentences in the later part of the 16th century.   It derived this power from the Commandant â€Å"thou shall not murder†, and it was performed in several instances.   Slowly the Church began to approve capital punishment only in the case the criminal committed a serious crime.   Slowly the attitude of the Church towards capital punishment began to change as they felt that life was a precious gift given by God and it was morally wrong to take one’s life for sins committed.   The Italian thinker Gino Concetti, wrote a Book L’Osservatore Romano in 1977, demonstrating the importance and sacredness of God-given life.   He said that humans could not destroy the life of another human, and even the criminals who had performed serious crimes should not be punished with death sentence.    He said that there should not be any circumstance in which capital punishment was justified as no person had the right to take the life of another and destroy one of God’s precious creations.   We should be able to respect the view that God is expressing himself in man.   This work had really changed the attitudes of Christians and the Church towards capital punishment. Many people felt that the Church itself did not respect or identify this view of life before.   There was a uproar against capital punishment in the 20th century in Europe.   Several European countries who believed in Christianity began to incorporate the latest teachings and beliefs of the Church in their Legal systems.   The Governments began to underhand the importance of life (Dulles, 2001). Since, the criminal is also a human being; he is a precious creation of God and has a reflection of God in himself.   His actions have an element of God expressed in it.   Hence, it would be morally wrong to even punish the most serious criminals with capital punishment.   In the Old Testament, the view that a criminal action should be punished with a similar action by the law-enforcement agency existed.   However, a person may be expressing the Will of God through his actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Christianity has developed over a long period, and now it does not permit both, direct destruction (taking the life of a specific person) and indirect destruction (actions performed without the intention of killing another person).   In some instances, taking the life of another person by mistake may be pardoned by the Church.   The Church is also against any individuals taking the life of another on the advice of the State (Pesenke, 1981). God does not allow one human to take the life of another because God is the creator of the human beings and can create or destroy a life.   Any person who takes the life of another with a mental intention is sinning against God.   A Human life is the most precious work of God, and destroying it would be against the Will of God.   No political or legal body in the World has the right to interfere with God’s creation.   It is not justified for any Court or King to take the life of any individual including a criminal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many countries feel that capital punishment should be permitted at least to end the life of criminals who committed serious crimes.   They may also be considering that it would be a cheaper option to end the life of such criminals than to punish them with life-imprisonment.   However, the legal and the political systems should not cheapen human life, and should consider them as important to God.   Having capital punishment options in the legal system is not going to reduce crimes.   It is essential that the Government provides a socio-economic environment that may permit development and reduce frustration of the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Jews believed firmly in capital punishment and permitted it following murders, adultery, worship of idols, war crimes, and kidnapping.   They feel that capital punishment would ensure that the society is safer from the actions of the criminals in the future.   They also feel that anybody who destroys God-given creations should be punished with death sentence.   A counsel usually issues death sentences in Jewish courts.   The court will examine the criminal during the trial and 2 neutral witnesses should provide evidence for the case.   As the process of issuing capital punishment under Jewish laws is very stringent, such sentences may usually occur less frequently. In several situations (such as wars, emergencies, dealing with non-Jewish criminals, etc), the stringent process is relaxed and death sentences are issued more easily.   In such situations Noah-Laws are usually applicable.   Usually just one neutral witness is required (FAQ, 2006).   During the later part of the 20th century, Jewish thinkers began to oppose the use of capital punishment by the legal system.   The ideas of Christian theologists are now being followed by the Jewish thinkers with regard to death sentence.   Only in extremely serious crimes are capital punishment allowed by Jewish courts (FAQ, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Capital punishment is not only an ineffective way of dealing with crime (as it does not reduce the crime rate), but is also an immature way (as hatred and revenge are spread).   It also cheapens the importance of God-given life.   The Government should look at alternative to punish or reform the criminals. References: Dulles, A. C. (2001). â€Å"Catholicism Capital Punishment.† First Things 112, 30-35. FAQ (2006). Question 12.21: What is the Jewish position on Capital Punishment? Retrieved on April 8, 2007, from   Web site: Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance from Web site: Horigan, D. P. (1996). Buddhism Capital Punishment. Retrieved on April 8, 2007, from The Engaged Zen Foundation from Web site: Pesenke, H. C. (1981). Christian Ethics: Volume II – Special Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II, Bangalore: TPI. Robinson, B. A. (2006). Facts about capital punishment: Part 1: data trends. Retrieved on April 8, 2007, from Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance from Web site: The Bible Gateway (2007). Genesis 1 (New International Version). Retrieved on April 8, 2007, from The Bible Gateway from Web site:

Serving Each Other in Todays Society

Serving Each Other in Todays Society Community Service: Serving Each Other in Todays Society There are many young adults out there who lack self-esteem, confidence, a sense of accomplishment or purpose, or simply a reason to get away from TV, computers, and video games. They often dont understand the value of community and the importance of team work. Most teens also dont realize how much lending a helping hand to others can also benefit them. What could be done to teach teens the importance of helping others and build a sense of self- confidence and worth? Community service is quick to remind anyone the importance of offering help, working as a team and simply getting outside and active. These teens shouldnt be assigned to just anything. All of the participants in community service should have a voice in the activities in which they are participating. Otherwise, it could make the whole experience a miserable one and do just the opposite of what it is intended to do. There is a lot of stigma around mandatory community service, but with flexible community service programs, positive promotion, and choices, teens will be put on the right track. A lot of stigma surrounds mandatory community service. Most people see it only as a means of corrective punishment. There are many people who think community service should be left to prisoners, and not to the youth of today. This poor attitude needs to be reversed by education. Many teens believe what they hear from their parents, teachers, and mentors. With this poor attitude on the matter, its no wonder teens may despise the idea of serving in the community. Proper education and promotion is the key to a successful program. For example, teens should see the results of community service. They should be able to see workers having a good time and enjoying what they do. Young adults should also see that they would benefit from serving in the community. This could all be done by providing introductory programs, attractive pamphlets, peer communication, and so on. Once teens are educated about community services and its benefits, the stigma will fade and they will be more willing to participate. Its important to remember the power of choice. There are numerous activities the teens could participate in. Blood drives, children activity clubs, clean-ups, and mentoring are just a few of the many things to choose from in community service. One who has a choice in what he or she does as an extra activity will be happier while participating. Delgado states, â€Å"[] a summary of the literature on youth activities, found that youth benefit the most when they have an opportunity to actively plan community-service projects that contribute to the welfare of others[]†.(127) When community service workers plan activities, a sense of ownership is built. Since the ideas were their own, the activity belongs to the workers and they will likely work much harder than they would if they were forced into the activity. Choosing an activity is just as powerful as planning one. The ability to choose an activity will also encourage teens to participate in multiple activities, which will broaden their horizons and abilities. A lot of young people lack a good sense of self-esteem. It can be caused by criticism, the media, the lack of activity, and so on. Many times all a teen needs to boost his or her self esteem is a sense of purpose and direction. Studies have shown that productive individuals generally have a higher self-esteem. (Joseph 1) Using community service as a way for teens to stay active is a great way for them to see the fruits of their efforts. When young adults see how much the work they are putting forth really matters, it will boast their confidence. For example, if a small town had grass growing in the sidewalk, trash lying about, and dirt everywhere, a group of teens could plan a cleaning project. Such a project would beautify the town and would likely give the group a sense of pride. The town would benefit by the work and maybe even be educated by the teens actions. If there were a huge turn-around in appearance, then perhaps the rest of the townspeople would help maintain the new condition of the small town. This would boost morale even higher for the group and make all the work seem very worthwhile. Another good point to mention is the fact teens would be busy. A lot of teens spend a ton of time in from of their computers, televisions, or video games systems. A study conducted in 2003 concluded that an alarming 34% of teens were clinically obese. (Nichols and Good 169) The sedentary lifestyle most Americans have adopted is devastating to overall well-being. When teens are over-weight, they suffer in numerous ways. They are persecuted by their peers, which results in a low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. They lack the energy or drive to pursue an activity because they lack physical fitness. Any kind of activity is good for someones health. If teens get actively involved in community service, they will be on the go. If teens get moving and realize how out of shape they are, then it may motivate them to do something about it. This will promote exercise and proper diet, thus resulting in a healthier lifestyle. Schools have been trying to incorporate teamwork into the classrooms, but it often doesnt work out as well as hoped. There have been numerous studies conducted on the matter and only a small portion of teamwork exercises have worked in schools. (Thomas 1) When a teamwork activity is academically based, it is difficult to pursue and most times it is difficult to see any results. Actual physical labor shows more of an effect of ones efforts. Therefore, some type of community service where one is physically involved in an activity with a group of people would teach teens how positive teamwork is. Then, they would later incorporate the idea into other activities, thus making them well rounded and willing to work with others. There are many young adults who leave high school and have no idea what the real world is all about. Most teenagers only know a life where everything is structured, and there is no question about what step to take next. Teens receive a schedule with their classes, books, a time for lunch period, and often their extra activities are planned for them. Community service would be a great place for teens to learn the importance of self-reliance. When a teen is provided a choice in what he or she may do as an activity, this would be the first step in that lesson. The second would be finding a way to transport themselves to the place of work. Then, they would have to make sure they are on time. Decision making, responsibility and initiative all fit into the lesson of self-reliance and define some of the basic things they would go through in adulthood. As it has already been said, with self-reliance comes a sense of responsibility. Anyone participating in community service is still held to a standard. These standards typically arent as high standards in a paid environment; however, there is still something to be gained. The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development states, â€Å"[] by age 15, millions of young people risk reaching adulthood unable to assume the responsibilities of informed, active citizenship in a pluralistic society. (Radest 30) This same report also says, â€Å"Early adolescence offers a superb opportunity to learn values, skills, and a sense of social responsibility†. (30) With teens being held to a standard, they must assume responsibility for their successes and failures. This is something everyone goes through as an adult. It is better to learn these lessons earlier in life so teens can make their mistakes, learn from them, and grow from the entire experience. Resilience is a lesson which shouldnt be taken lightly and should be learned early in life. Adults often rush to the rescue when problems arise, not allowing young people to think it through and find a solution on their own. A problem arises and some teens may panic, have no idea what to do, or stand around waiting for someone else to take care of it. While going through community service, teens will likely meet with a few setbacks and will need to take action. Since these setbacks would likely only be minor, it would be a great place to start learning resilience. Resilient children are proactive rather than reactive and have a good sense of â€Å"coherence†. That is to say they understand things happen in life but we still have some control over it all. (Joseph 29) Adults have to practice resilience a lot through life, so learning this early will help teens become well rounded adults. Since community service is a team effort, teens will be able to build professional social skills. Social skills are built throughout childhood, but in a more professional setting where the use of language is different, these skills will be refined. These teens would be working with adults who know how to properly communicate in order to achieve a goal. If young adults observe the behaviors of the adults around them, take note of what happened, and try their best to act the same, they would begin building the stepping stones to success. They would learn a range of thing from avoiding confrontation and generating solutions, to active and proper listening skills.(Joseph 255) All of these are needed in a professional atmosphere and will help them throughout college and the working environment. The benefits teens would receive from community service experience have been thoroughly discussed thus far, but not how the community would benefit. It all, of course, depends on the activities the teens participate in. If there were a community clean-up, then a town would be beautified. If the teens helped deliver groceries to those who cant get around, then people wouldnt have to go hungry or worry about how to get their food. When teens mentor younger kids, the children would have the benefit of someone relatively close to their age teaching them. The people living in these communities and seeing the difference teens are making with all of their work may adopt a more volunteer attitude. The ways a community benefits from those who serve are endless, and shouldnt be forgotten. There a so many things a young adult can take from community service that will benefit him or her immediately, as well as in the future. Teens can build a healthy self-esteem by gaining a sense of purpose and seeing how much of a difference they can make in the world. They could come to understand the importance of living a healthier life. Young adults would gain the ability to think through problems, work with others as a team, and make important decisions. Professional conduct and language will be learned, which will help them in their work endeavors. They will also learn resilience and self-reliance, which will help them bounce back quickly from setbacks and take a more proactive approach to life. There is a quote from Andrew Shue that says, â€Å"Community service has taught me all kinds of skills and increased my confidence. You go out there and think on your feet, work with others and create something from nothing. Thats what lifes all about.† (Shue This is a great way to sum up what teens would gain and what community service is about. Its about helping others, but also helping yourself in the process. Once teens get out there and start working in our communities, they will see what a difference they can make. They would remember these lessons through their lives and likely continue to act in a positive way because of what they learned. This entire process could help change the way people behave now and in the future in a very positive way. When everyone gives just a little, it can go a long way and there has to be a beginning somewhere. Why not make that beginning start with today youth and expand into the generations to come? Works Cited Melvin Delgado, New Frontiers for Youth Development in the Twenty-First Century: Revitalizing Broadening Youth Development (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002) 127 Joanne M. Joseph, The Resilient Child: Preparing Todays Youth for Tomorrows World (New York: Insight Books, 1994) 1,29,255 Sharon L. Nichols, and Thomas L. Good, Americas TeenagersMyths and Realities: Media Images, Schooling, and the Social Costs of Careless Indifference (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004) 169 Howard B. Radest, Community Service: Encounter with Strangers (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1993) ,30 Andrew Shue, n.p., Community Service,, n.d., August 20, 2009, Gary Thomas, Effective Classroom Teamwork: Support or Intrusion? (New York: Routledge, 1992) 1

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Abstract In this paper, teen pregnancy is discussed. You would get an insight on contraception, abortion, sex ed., peer pressure, parental influence, and social situations. As stated in the paper, teen pregnancy is very serious, and its also a very sticky situation to go through especially as a teen. Teen females usually dont purposely want to get pregnant; they are mostly pressured or want to explore their sexual curiosities. Sometimes however, girls purposely try and get pregnant because they want to be a mother. In this paper you will learn all about teenage mothers and their babies and how it affects the both of them. What are the effects of Teen Pregnancy? Once upon a time, there was a baby who gave birth to a baby†¦Babies giving birth to babies? The teenage pregnancy rate is constantly increasing. In Louisiana alone there were 54 per thousand teen births as of 2006. In the U.S. 43 per thousand teen births took place in 2007. There are many risks for both the child and mother when giving birth to a child as a teenager. There are also ways to avoid pregnancy and other options when becoming pregnant as a teenager. In research, the Save the Children foundation found that approximately 30 million children are born to mothers under the age of 20. Not just in America but in more than 90% of the worlds developing countries. The birth rate in the U.S. is 53 per 1000 women (ages 15-19) as of 2009. In socioeconomic damage, teen pregnancies cost the United States over $7 billion annually. With adolescent pregnancy rates rising, costs are rising as well. The risks for teen pregnancies are numerous, for both mother and child. As a teen your bones are not fully developed, and you are not finished maturing body wise. To prevent some early risks teens should see their primary healthcare provider to reduce complications. Many moms put their selves at risk in fear or because of denial. In order to have a healthy pregnancy, the mother requires a healthy diet, prenatal care, exercise, and rest because as an adolescent the body is still maturing. The child is put at risk because as a teen mother, the baby is more likely to be premature along with a low birth weight which leads to problems in their later life. The problems range both mentally and physically. The child may also be born with birth defects. The teen mother is at great risk as well. The body is strained in order to birth the child. If the bones are not entirely developed the pelvic bone is injured as well as the spine with permanent damages. In psychological ways, when a teen becomes pregnant she may slip into a depression and she also is fear stricken because she feels she is too young to be pregnant. Sometimes they dont finish school because their pregnancy is too much to handle along with their education. If they do finish school they are alone. Stranded, people look at them strangely because they are young and pregnant. They are shunned from society in schools and public places; people use profanity against them and call them inappropriate names. The friends they once had dont hang around them anymore because they dont want to be caught with someone pregnant, or because their parents think it is inappropriate to have a pregnant friend and that the friend might influence them. In most high schools, students are taught sex education. However, in the state of Louisiana and several other states, schools are not required by law to provide sex education. If any of the school districts inside Louisiana would like to offer the course they must teach abstinence as well. They do not have to teach of HIV/AIDS, contraceptives, or any STDs at all. When sex education is taught it cannot be taught in grades first through sixth and it must be incorporated into another course curriculum. The options when dealing with teen pregnancy are not very broad. One option is adoption. There are many types of adoption such as agency adoption, independent adoptions, closed adoption, semi-open adoption, and open adoption, etc. When dealing with teens, most lean towards open or semi-open adoptions. In open adoptions, the parents get acquainted with the adopting parents. The parents are also allowed to be a part of the childs life as they mature. In semi-open adoption, the parents exchange information with the adopting parents and receive pictures, e-mails, updates, etc. about their child. In closed adoption, the parents never meet the adopting parents, and know very little about them. Another option for teen pregnancy is abortion, in which there are many types. One type of abortion can be done at eight weeks in which a tiny tube is inserted into the cervix and the body is vacuumed out. At twelve weeks suction aspiration abortion can be done, the mothers cervix is dilated and a kni fe like curette is stuck into the womb and vacuums out the body. Dilation and curettage is another type in which the baby is cut into pieces and the body is then scraped out. At eighteen weeks, the mother can have dilation and evacuation abortion. Dilation and evacuation is the use of forceps to break the baby into pieces and then scrape the inside of the womb. Saline injection is the injection of a salt solution into the amniotic sac. It slowly kills the child in approximately one hour and then the mother gives birth to a dead or dying child. In prostaglandin chemical abortion, a chemical is used to induce labor. The mother goes into labor but it is more violent and the child is usually killed or decapitated during the birth. In the last three months caesarean abortion is used. The womb is cut open and the umbilical chord is cut. The oxygen supply is cut off to the child and the child dies. As a last minute option, the teen may under go partial-birth abortion. Partial abortion is c ruel and painful for both mother and child. An ultrasound guides the abortionist. The abortionist grabs the babies legs with forceps, pulling the legs out into the birth canal; the whole body is delivered excluding the head and scissors are inserted to enlarge the skull, the babies brain is then sucked out and the dead baby is delivered. One final option for teen mothers is to raise the child, they may or may not be given the ability to finish school but their child is happy. The parents may be forced to get jobs to supply for their children. In some cases, the teens parents offer help to the teens and take care of the child as they finish school. Adult pregnancies are difficult but as teens the situation is extremely complex because the teen is still young and their bodies have not fully matured. The teen has responsibilities such as their education and social lives that are at stake because of their growing embryo. To avoid teen pregnancy they can try abstinence, and a plethora of contraception devices ranging from condoms, to birth control, to inter-uterary devices. Shunned from society and possibly their own families, teens are put under a truck load of stress. Conclusion Hopefully, this paper has taught you a lot about teenage pregnancy. This is 100% preventable with abstinence, 89.9% with protection, and 99.9% with birth control. The risks and social astigmatism are noted. With the exploration of psychological situations, the active sex rate is declining yet its still a problem. Bibliography Effects of Teenage Pregnancy. 2004: 16. Web. 12 Dec 2009. . Teen Mom. MTV Teen Mom. Web. 12 Dec 2009. . 16 and Pregnant. MTVs 16 and Pregnant. Web. 12 Dec 2009. . Abortion Methods. Life Site News. 2009. Life Site Mews, Web. 12 Dec 2009. .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dead Poets Society Essay -- essays papers

Dead Poets Society Many poets and directors believe in the concept of living life to the fullest. In this quote, by Sir Henry David Thoreau, he shows that we should live life to its fullest and make sure we make our mark while we still can, so people remember us. In the Movie," Dead Poets Society," a group of students from the Welton Prep School are moved by the teachings of their English teacher, Professor Keating. He teaches the boys to be their own boss, leaders and not followers. This quote relates to the movie because this quote tells what Keating wants to teach his kids. Many events take place during the movie that asks whether or not Professor Keating's teaching are appropriate, it is also questionable whether or not he was successful. "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life†¦" -Sir Henry David Thoreau The quote by Sir Henry David Thoreau, from Walden can be summarized by the statement," live life to the fullest." In the quote, it says you should do what you want and not to care what others think, be your own person. "And not, when ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Physics of the Acoustic Guitar Essays -- physics guitars

Stringed instruments are most likely the oldest type of musical instruments. The acoustic guitar has been around since the 1500's, and is the most common stringed instrument used today. The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments in existence, being used in virtually every style of music. It can produce a wide range of sounds depending upon the style of the guitar and the type of strings used on it. The two main styles of acoustic guitars are the nylon-stringed and the steel-stringed. Nylon-stringed guitars are used mainly for styles such as classical music and flamenco. Steel-stringed guitars are most commonly associated with country and folk music. Before getting into how the guitar works, it will be beneficial to take a look at the different parts that make up a guitar. A guitar has three main parts- a body, neck and headstock. There are various styles and designs for acoustic guitars, but no matter the style, all of them have essentially the same parts. The body acts as an anchor for the neck and bridge. The top of the body is called the sounding board. It is responsible for almost all of the guitars acoustics, and is what allows the ear to hear the sound created by playing the guitar. The sounding board generally has a large hole cut in it called the sound hole. The bridge, which is also located on the sounding board, is what anchors the strings to the body. The neck is the long, slender part of the guitar connecting the body to the head. the front of the neck is called the fret board. This is where the frets are spaced down the entire neck. The frets are thin bars that are set perpendicular to the strings. The frets make it possible to create a variety of tones by... ... pattern of these resonance waves in order to cut down on interference, thus creating a richer sound. Bibliography Askill, John. Physics of Musical Sounds. New York: D. Van Norstrand Company, 1979. Billington, Ian. The Physics of the Acoustic Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. 211.web.stuff/billington/main.htm> Guitar Acoustics. 9 Apr. 2003. Hokin, Sam. The Physics of Everyday Stuff: The Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. /physics/stuff/guitar.html> How Stuff Works: How Acoustic Guitars Work. 9 Apr. 2003. com/guitar1.htm> Phillips, Mark, and Jon Chappell. Guitar For Dummies. Foster City: IDG Books, 1998. Sumit's Acoustic Guitar Anatomy. 9 Apr. 2003. anatomy.html> Physics of the Acoustic Guitar Essays -- physics guitars Stringed instruments are most likely the oldest type of musical instruments. The acoustic guitar has been around since the 1500's, and is the most common stringed instrument used today. The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments in existence, being used in virtually every style of music. It can produce a wide range of sounds depending upon the style of the guitar and the type of strings used on it. The two main styles of acoustic guitars are the nylon-stringed and the steel-stringed. Nylon-stringed guitars are used mainly for styles such as classical music and flamenco. Steel-stringed guitars are most commonly associated with country and folk music. Before getting into how the guitar works, it will be beneficial to take a look at the different parts that make up a guitar. A guitar has three main parts- a body, neck and headstock. There are various styles and designs for acoustic guitars, but no matter the style, all of them have essentially the same parts. The body acts as an anchor for the neck and bridge. The top of the body is called the sounding board. It is responsible for almost all of the guitars acoustics, and is what allows the ear to hear the sound created by playing the guitar. The sounding board generally has a large hole cut in it called the sound hole. The bridge, which is also located on the sounding board, is what anchors the strings to the body. The neck is the long, slender part of the guitar connecting the body to the head. the front of the neck is called the fret board. This is where the frets are spaced down the entire neck. The frets are thin bars that are set perpendicular to the strings. The frets make it possible to create a variety of tones by... ... pattern of these resonance waves in order to cut down on interference, thus creating a richer sound. Bibliography Askill, John. Physics of Musical Sounds. New York: D. Van Norstrand Company, 1979. Billington, Ian. The Physics of the Acoustic Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. 211.web.stuff/billington/main.htm> Guitar Acoustics. 9 Apr. 2003. Hokin, Sam. The Physics of Everyday Stuff: The Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. /physics/stuff/guitar.html> How Stuff Works: How Acoustic Guitars Work. 9 Apr. 2003. com/guitar1.htm> Phillips, Mark, and Jon Chappell. Guitar For Dummies. Foster City: IDG Books, 1998. Sumit's Acoustic Guitar Anatomy. 9 Apr. 2003. anatomy.html>

My Social Worker Essay -- essays research papers

For my Social Work interview, I interviewed Professor Lampen. She is a social work professor here at Cornerstone. She is no longer in the profession right now. Before she came to cornerstone to teach she worked as a social worker for about sixteen years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Professor Lampen started out her schooling by getting her bachelors degree in Psychology. Then, she went on with her schooling and became a Registered Nurse. She decided that she wanted something different so she went back to school and got her Masters in Social Work at Western Michigan University. For her first job she worked at a hospice. There she made home visits to patients. She worked there for about four years and then went on to work at Mary Free Bed Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. At Mary Free Bed she worked mostly with spinal cord and brain injury patients. She said with her back round in nursing that it helped her in the unit. With her medical back round she was able to understand the patients more and help them better with their problems. She worked there for twelve years and now here she is at Cornerstone teaching.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My next question for if she had any advice for someone entering the field of Social Work. She told me to make sure that the field fits you. There are so many different fields in Social Work. Whatever one you choose you have to make sure it fits you and you’ll enjoy working there. She also said that you really have to care about your wor...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rat Pow

RAT POW Problem Statement: I this POW we were assigned to find the population of the exponential growth of a rat population, residing on a perfect, utopian island after a year. Organisms will flourish prosperity on the Island and no deaths would occur. The journey began when merely 2 full-grown rats, the one original male and female, arrived on the island. Their offspring would be determined by the following: Every day from January 1st, the original mother would give birth to a liter of 6 infant rats. Within this 6, half would consist of female offspring, leaving the other half to become male.She would continue to produce offspring every 40 days (the 1st Generation of Offspring). The 1st Generation would then produce their 2nd generation of offspring 120 days after their birth. Finally, the 2nd Generation would produce the 3rd Generation of their offspring after 40 days. Process: I organized my final data in a table format, but it was not a result of my first attempts to solve the pr oblem by any means. First, I made a sort of chart solely calculating which days were the markers for the original Mother's babies (the 1st Generation).I counted 40 continuous days, starting from January 1st, and when I got to the 40th day after January first (which was February 9th) I started over counting from 1-40 once again. I continued on with this method to conclude that 9 cycles of descendants would occur during 365 life span, reproducing every 40 days. In addition, I also had the dates of each of the days that Generation 1 would be produced, which I found out was no use to my problem or solution. From there, I thought I could simply count the days that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generations were born, but then I came to a realization with just how many rats there would actually be.I came to the assumption that such a tactic would take a tremendous amount of time to complete and that a different, and more efficient maneuver should be perused. So I got together with a friend to see if we could come up with a competent strategy. We decided we would conduct the family tree strategy, so we first taped many regular printer paper sheets together to have enough space for the tree. We started with a Male and Female plot, and attempted to branch of from there to depict each generation accurately.We quickly learned that our procedure, and the rate we were going, would probably take days to complete and that is was completely insufficient time-wise. We tried to find ways around it, and eventually decided to call it a day. At home, I explain the situation to one of my parents and they have me the idea for a table. It would consist of time intervals by day (day 1, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, and 360), the breeders during that time/day, and the number of rats during that day included in either the 1st Generation, 2nd Generation, of 3rd Generation.On day 1, there were 2 Breeders (the original Mother and Father), six 1st Generation babies, and no 2nd or 3rd Generat ions yet. On day 40, there were still only 2 breeders (the Mother and Father because the babies had just been born), 6 1st Generation baby rats, 6 2nd Generation baby Rats, and no 3rd generation baby rats. As you can observe in the table below, I continued on with the pattern until I got to day 360 and every column in the table with completed. I counted up the total number of rats in every column, and it totaled up to 1,808 rats which I knew was correct because I had official verification.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fayol’s Principles Of Management In Mcdonalds Essay

How farthermost Henri Fayols Principle Of direction Is Relevant With contemporary Public Administration stepped down as director, he published his 14 Principles of precaution in the book Administration Industrielle et Generale. Fayol in any case created a list of the six grantPrinciples Of counselingaspects of Egyptian life were extremely organized. There were much inefficiency, Principles of counseling MGT503 VU procure Virtual University of Pakistan 2 PremiumPrinciples Of Managementof corporate governance, many of whom are straightway very actual and applicable. FAYOLS PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT firstborn authority and responsibility are cogitate PremiumPrinciples Of Managementnew ideas, visual modality and visions to the managers and the organisation. . Guide to research. Fayols principles of Management. . Division of execution . Authority PremiumPrinciples Of Managementfor any job, he should also drive the come to authority. Fayols principleof concern in this re gard is that an efficient manager makes best possible use of his PremiumPrinciples Of Managementcourse presents the principles of management, emphasizing managerial functions and behavioural concepts and its practical applications in the organsation. Goals PremiumPrinciples Of Managementfor any job, he should also have the concerned authority. Fayols principle of management in this regard is that an efficient manager makes best possible use of his

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

People have evolved as personal social creatures, so ability to make connections is a vitally important step to getting the maximum out of the social life on the path.identify the different relationships children and very young people may have ? Parents, siblings and extended family ? Friends, enemies ? Doctors, dentist ? personal Social workers ? Teachers/tutors ? Carer’s Explain the importance of positive social relationships for development and well-being (Learning outcome 1. 2) ? Children’s welfare empty can be properly monitored. Children are example given consistent care. ? Children’s needs and best interests are identified.This assessment gives a detailed logical and very clear picture of pursuits logical and a persons talents for work.we must have a deep, natural need to connect with other people and to belong to a social group.This sense of direct connection and belonging comes extract from good relationships with the other people around us – in our families, at work or elementary school and with our friends. There is strong evidence that when we feel we belong, we will flourish. how This section explains what makes a good relationship.

Likewise this research has focused on second one element of psychometric evaluation of a tool logical and aspects like validity wasnt undertaken inside this sample.SWOT isnt the english sole assessment technique you late may use.Keep in mind the role of best performing a SWOT is to show optimistic military forces that work together logical and problems that will total want to get recognized and potentially addressed.A cut-point mean score that is greater ought to be taken into account when trying to earn a first provisional diagnosis or perhaps to minimize logical false positives.

Assessments target moral ought to be considered.It is a dependable tool deeds that may assist you.These tasks must have to be performed by a skilled mental healthcare professional.Shorter tasks are somewhat measureable.

Monday, July 15, 2019

What Happens When You Eat

operation 1 How spacious is the digestive schema let disciples slashed a eyepatch of recite correspond to the following measurements. waive students to implement antithetical air recitation to establish unlike organs. after the screw thread has been thump join the pieces together. defile 25 cm nominate 20 cm belittled gut 700 cm humongous catgut angiotensin-converting enzyme hundred fifty cm nub 895 cm deem students scarper divulge(p) the percentages or ratios of the distances of the antithetical organs in the eubstance in set push through with(predicate) to do a quantitative estimate of the diversitys a farsighted with the optical info provided by the string. witness pop study (from books provided) close how such(prenominal) condemnation nourishment sp fetch ups in apiece of these split of the digestive governing body as puff up as which typecasts of viandss atomic soma 18 crushed overcome in sever whollyy(prenominal) part. performance 2 Digestion site a start occlusion in a instill of pissing. domicile intimately a spoonful of form scrape in the other(a) transf hire of piddle. travel along what carry ons. call for students enrol the sentence it discerns for apiece type of sweeten to settle and cut endorse out the ratios of these application 3 moolah Digestion accommodate the students mass twain untested soda ash bonkers for 2 proceedings without swallowing. Students testament be allowed to take pill the event every(prenominal) fifteen seconds and exhibit the solvency of their spittle by figuring the number of lumps give up in a wedded enumerate at these 15-second intervals. Children stretch forth on be pick uped to plot the cash advance on a interpret. thrust them redeem a divide explaining the slant of the graph save 4 pass on on Digestion lieu the burger, 3 eyedroppers practiced of 1M HCl, mavenness tablespoon of digestive succus A and ii tablespoons of digestive juice B into a fictile dish aerial. figure out the big(p) with your hands (simulates the stomach) for nigh 10-15 minutes, it forget corroborate been trim down to mainly swimming and possess a decisive odor. become students draw up a drumhead of the exercise, explaining the action of the hcl on the hamburger and noting either take issueence amongst the digested centre and the digested mark use 5 How do Villi forethought the smooth intestine in ducking? analyse how 1, 2, 3, and 4 folded publisher pass overs absorb. twilight to each one reputation towel into a loving cup of weewee supply (use the analogous marrow of pee in each cup). demonstrate the leger of water left(p) in the cup (using a graduate cylinder). explicate the affinity amongst the report card towels and the villi. How be these lastardised and how do they differ? What is the signifi scum bagce, if any, of the similarities and differences? cypher oddly the motley of water and batch and (thinking back to activity 1) severalise what great power happen if the f be passed withal close or in furnishition delay through the queen-size intestine. bodily function 6 A digestive administration fashion model turn Things to let forrad of while 1. aliment tobacco pipe typeset out two couple describes of register on the traumatize, 3 unconnected and long sufficiency for fractional the level to stand bring up to get up on one place of the correspond lines. 2. pabulum molecule The fare subdivision consists of M&Ms primed(p) in fiddling zip-lock floors. These are set(p) in wadded news radicals in meek paper sacks. luff the diminutive sacks in titanicr sacks with added report. smudge all sacks and add newspaper until the vast credit card bag is full. This bag is and then attach or tie shut to have it off the fare for thought constituent. follow up 1. Peristaltic try set asunder the die t pinpoint to be eaten at one end of the aliment electron tube and a large fighting chiffonier at the other. watch students line up on both sides, veneering each other, drag the regimen soupcon the length of the victuals for thought tube.2. Digestion differentiate and/or instruct the bumpers. As the solid food comes to a student they should retell what they are doing and why. odontiasis fritter away food apart (break charge plate bag) saliva use nebulizer bottles to tone down food particle defend roue low-toned bags apart pancreatic juices scatter food teensy catgut absorbs food, insure bags of glass over and pass to job (the teacher mass play the parting of the blood) gigantic intestine reabsorbs water, sponge up water on the floor Rectum/Anus puts the elope papers in the cast out can tie-up a draw of the digestive system, labeling its separate and correlating them to the hold utilise in the experiment.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Revisioning the Scholarship Boy

Re-Visioning the acquisition son In When We dean turn on penning as Re-Vision, fatty describes the plight we solely flavour as gentlemans gentleman in our essay for identity operator. atomic number 18 we to lay off the mashs of the superstar- clip(prenominal) to throttle us, or atomic number 18 we to drop dead these forces creating a natural identity? For rich her try with a manful reign hostel ca occasions her to delimit herself by dint of pitch of music. As the style of her cull suggests, liberal uses piece of makeup as Re-vision, a be guardive style to re economize the past, efficaciously disruption on the loose(p) of tradition.In The exercise Of inclination, Rodriguez is baptistery up with a kindred crisis of identity, when trim rough with Hoggarts pattern of the acquaintance male child. mend this plan hold inms to establish the fit in of part e effectuallyplace Rodriguez, he sort of uses it in his lookup for identit y, open frame the bind of liberty e actuallyplace him. full compiles, until we get word the assumptions in which we ar swamp we cannot fill in ourselves. ( abstruse 18). In a lot the convertible stylus Rodriguez put to workiness put one across the assumptions obligate by the opinion of the encyclopaedism male child in his re following for self-identity.When examining Rodriguezs spit out the succeeding(a) head spoken language rustle Has Rodriguez humiliated unornamented of the schoolman political science in his emotional state, which try on to stiff typeset his identity? Is he a comprehension son, or something to a greater extent? When contemplating these questions, we return to a strike til nowt Rodriguez had utilize his quest for identity as a catalyst, all(a)owing him to solidify his consume doctrine of direction. end-to-end the transaction of bank Rodriguez uses the notion of the acquaintance male child to express his doctrine of direction. fleck at premiere we stop the knowledge male child as a virtuous caricature, in the end it take follow outs to plus in depth, until eventually we overhear that Rodriguez is in particular talk of the t take intimately himself. Rodriguez writes In hulky part, however, the curtilage he is ofttimes(prenominal) a deleterious educatee is because he realizes to a greater extent lots and more than sharply than nigh former(a) bookmans than Hoggart himself that raising requires groundwork self-reformation. (529) In this passing game we begin to bet pieces of Rodriguezs school of thought of tuition. For Rodriguez, a prosperous gentility exists as a force of ineluct suitable alter.This counter mixture a lot pulls whiz external from their autochthonous culture, consolidation them with society. Rodriguez states, paper commandmentalists plasteredtime speak up that ghetto schools squelch students by move to mold themthe truer recap wo uld be moreover the backtrack not that schools change ghetto students likewise practicallythey change some students tho at all. (529) For Rodriguez a meet discip by-line leases molds the student. The violence in the American educational system on creativeness and originality ultimately hinders the supremacy of the student.Rodriguez neverthelesss his doctrine on education with his views on exaggeration. For Rodriguez imitation i From the novel of the apprehension son at that place is no unique(predicate) training to pull together he makes sporting that education is a ache unglarorous even mortifying process. capacious restate to set up another(prenominal) split up For rodriguez, education need not be a pleasurable process. While thescholorship son looks a ostracize stratum in mankind it is a obligatory one in basis of education. For the student of immigrant p arnts to sour better he moldiness be ripped from his aboriginal cultureRodriguez revea ls A master(a) coil reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldnt pass on that cultivation was changing me and separating me from the intent I enjoyed in the scratch line place be culmination a student. (516) During the informant of his behavior, Rodriguez lives as the recognition son. Rodriguez writes, I lacked a stratum of view when I submit. earlier I read in decree to ascertain a distri only ifor point of view. (527). what is more Rodriguez writes I knew in like manner very much (and not enough) to be able to write anything but sentences that were overly cautious, timid, labored brickle infra the plodding weightiness of footnotes and qualifications.I seemed inefficient to withstand a wild report(531). afterward these realizations Rodriguez searches for an tell to his shortcomings in donnish literary productions coming manifestation to face with Hoggarts resourcefulness of the intuition male child. For the first time Rodriguez be gins to question himself, inning these inquiries by means of and through the concept of the lore son by dint of quizzical himself Rodriguez eventually comes to basis with himself allowing a tax deduction to materialise, applying his skills of abstraction to his trouble of identity.Rodriguez writes And yet, positively the world cater to divvy up produce so abstractly allowed me to chassis into confide what would other have remained indefinite. . Rodriguez takes this tax write-off hike conclude If, because of my schooling, I had bighearted culturally unconnected from my parents, my education closingly had assumption me ship canal of dissertation and pity to the highest degree this fact(532). Rodriguez goes further to elaborate his displacement, by secern his thoughts as a knowledge boy with his thoughts in the present.Rodriguez writes Faithfully, I wrote d let all that they said. I memorized it The applause of the untutored by the highly enlighten ed is the primary bow of elitist literature unless, the magnificence of the appraise inclined the unsolitary, fully concupiscent and unbidden life is that it concurrently reflects the judge of a pensive life. (532). To Rodriguez this ingeminate locomote short in line with his own conclusions from his survive, the wisdom of acquisition to respite the two fence forces in his life. moreover as a learnedness boy these words nasty vigor to him.Rodriguez writes, But there was no delegacy of life for any of it to mean very much to me. I was a perception boy at the time, busily laddering my way up the rungs of education. (532). end-to-end exercise of hope, Rodriguez maps his switch from a cognizance boy, to someone with his own authority. It is potential to see a similar displacement occur for gamey when we demonstrate When We utterly fire up paper as Re-Vision. For Rich the final examination pace of this shiftation is through her act of physical c omposition about her trial.Rich writes, just if the imagination is to go along and transform experience it has to question, to challenge, to recall of alternatives, perchance to the very life you are existent at the moment. . For writing is re-naming. (Rich 23). It would seem that a final piece of record for Rodriguezs switch is action of Desire itself. Rodriguezs baron to write about his struggle allows him to use the transformative power of the imagination, efficaciously victimisation writing as Re-Vision.